Opinion – The Dream Magazine https://www.thedreammagazine.co.uk Thu, 22 Feb 2024 14:16:31 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 What I Learned From Surrendering Into My Sensitivity https://www.thedreammagazine.co.uk/inspiration/what-i-learned-from-surrendering-into-my-sensitivity/ Thu, 16 Jun 2022 13:46:35 +0000 https://alignmagazine.co.uk/?p=896

A couple of weeks ago, I declared that I thought I was ‘too sensitive for this shit’. This shit being business.


A series of unfortunate events tested me, stretched me, and made me more uncomfortable than I have ever felt. But, it turns out it’s a little something called growth, and hey, if the universe is planning a breakthrough for me, at least I can see the path that I needed to walk to get there.


So yes, I am sensitive, but I am choosing to surrender into it.


I’ve been told over the years that I am too loud, too emotional, too much, so too sensitive is just another to add to the list. But, the truth is, I am not too much of anything, and neither are you. So, if this resonates then this piece is for you, and, not as though you need one, but it is also your permission slip to do business exactly how you want to.


It has become the social norm that to succeed, we need to have a thick skin and to toughen up, to be hardy and able to withstand these gusts of wind that come our way. I get it, I do, but there is room for both, the duality of being soft and sensitive while being someone in business who knows what they want.


You can be both.

But, you don’t get told this, and working in spaces and places with strong masculine energies – think sales and media, fast-paced and ever-changing environments – leads you to believe that you have to hide those sensitivities, and become a version of yourself that is tougher, bolder, bigger, and sturdier.


I believed this for such a long time, ten years in fact, and it wasn’t until I got more curious about who I was and how I worked as a person that I realised that I could decide. There is so much power in that. And, the sad thing is that it takes so long to undo those thoughts and those feelings – shout out to two weeks ago and my business wobbles.


There is another thing I want to mention; about 18 months ago, someone told me about Human Design. A theory and a methodology rooted in astrology and the type of person we are and the traits that we hold. I started to learn more about it – I am a 5/1 Generator if you’re interested – and I began to write my own rules. Rules about how I operated, the processes in my business, how I interacted with clients, and the pace at which this all happens.


Setting up my own company gave me the autonomy I needed to work with my energy, my sensitivity, and use it to my advantage. I truly believe it is just that, an advantage.


My business is built around comms and copy, and developing this business has been a journey. Effable started as me freelancing alongside a job, getting clients and building up a portfolio outside of the worlds I had worked in. When I finally took the plunge to take it full time, it was exhilarating, but it was easy to fall into those hard- skinned habits.


It’s a work in progress, and it is something I have to make a conscious effort to change and choose every single day. Being sensitive allows me to connect with my clients on a deeper level, it means I get to feel into their brand and how they operate, and it means I get to choose. I choose who I work with based on energy and alignment. Instead of working with outdated agency models and impossible deadlines, I set the pace, and I get to use my emotions and my intuition to work with brands that care and understand the importance of emotion and depth and feeling.


I am still working on it, but what a wonder and what a privilege.

My sensitivity is no longer something I have to hide or mask; it is something that I can surrender into, and that I can use within the work I do and the things I create. Don’t get me wrong; I am still learning, or rather, unlearning, and changing the habits of a lifetime isn’t something that can be done overnight, but I am enjoying leaning into the softer sides and creating a business that goes against the grain of the


Alongside that, it’s things like crafting my own schedule, taking time out to go for a walk instead of working solidly for eight hours in a room with no windows, and allowing myself time for reading, for self-development, for moving my body.


The clients I work with are impact-driven, and I think that helps. I work with people who value people and the planet over profit, which facilitates a more human approach.


Surrendering into sensitivity looks like slowness, softness, and holding space for clients. It is a relationship and a partnership, rather than me working for them, and this is something I have craved for so long.


I will always be sensitive, and I will always be soft, but I am also loud and bold, I am creative, and I can be impulsive.


There are so many sides to me and my business, and I am unapologetic.



Check out Effable’s Instagram here and head to their website at https://www.itiseffable.com/

How to be Your Own Wellbeing Champion When You Work for Yourself https://www.thedreammagazine.co.uk/opinion/how-to-be-you-own-wellbeing-champion-when-you-work-for-youself/ Fri, 22 Apr 2022 14:00:49 +0000 https://alignmagazine.co.uk/?p=522 Continue reading How to be Your Own Wellbeing Champion When You Work for Yourself]]>

Words by Sophie Coulthard, founder of Fidleaf.

Think back to when you first started your business. You knew it would be hard work, but you possibly also looked forward to the flexibility and freedom that working for yourself would offer. Maybe you’d be able to go to that lunchtime gym class you never could attend before. Or take Friday afternoons off to sip rosé with friends. Book into a cute AirBNB in the New Forest to work on something creative and get some quality fresh air.


Honestly, have you had the time to do any of those things since working for yourself? The chances are you’ve got a never-ending to do list, spend most evenings on your laptop on the sofa and the lunchtime gym class? Never happens! 


We imagine that working for ourselves will bring about better work life balance, but the reality is that when you are the boss, your wellbeing often gets pushed down the agenda.

Why wellbeing is important for entrepreneurs and freelancers

You owe it to yourself to prioritise your wellbeing. Your wellbeing will power your work performance, so the more effort that you put into it, the more you will get out of work and life. Our research at FidlLeaf shows that when people don’t look after themselves and are stressed or run down it slows down problem solving ability and strategic thinking, drains creative thinking and makes people less intuitive, yet all of these things are pretty critical for success! 


There is a fantastic book called Rest by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang that dispels the myth that the harder we work the better the outcome. Deliberate rest and taking time for yourself to fulfil yourself outside of work actually helps to make you more productive, have sharper ideas and more energy.


Companies are starting to realise this and are putting wellbeing policies in place or creating wellbeing champions to drive a culture change where wellbeing is encouraged and emphasised. Their policies might include an email ban outside of working hours to give employees time to switch off, and walking meetings so that everyone can brainstorm and get fresh air at the same time. There’s no reason why these policies can’t be pinched and adapted for solo workers, and it’s worth spending some time carving out a wellbeing policy-of-sorts for yourself. 

Building a framework around wellbeing

It might sound a bit silly to write an entire wellbeing policy for one person, but even just a few bullet points on paper with some simple commitments, like taking an afternoon a week to work from a coffee shop to break out of the isolation of the home office might be a positive move for your wellbeing.


At FidlLeaf, we created a workplace wellbeing guide that focuses on four areas that were found in research from A Great Place To Work to be the key drivers of wellbeing in the workplace. I like to use those as the foundation for any wellbeing policy and think that they could easily be adapted for someone who works alone or runs their own business.


They are:

1. Values Aligned Behaviour

Good companies have strong values that are sewn through the culture of the organisation and their employees will have a strong alignment with those values. 


For yourself, it’s worth thinking about your values, but also what you value spending your time on. What parts of your work light you up and inspire you? What could you potentially delegate or spend less time on? As well as this, are you able to work on projects or with clients that fit with your values? It can be difficult when first starting out as you may have to say yes to any work opportunity, but at some point you may be able to start to refine your ideal client or type of work. 


Values aligned behaviour can go even further and become part of your pricing structure, marketing and sales strategy. It’s about what feels good for you and it may take a little time to really figure this out.

2. Teamwork

If you work on your own this one can be tricky! Feeling like you’re part of a team and contributing to teamwork is proven to have a positive influence on wellbeing, but how do you do that when you’re a team of one?


Joining a community of like-minded business owners is a great way to feel the team spirit. You’ll feel included, empowered and make friends. It will also save you from talking shop with your partner every night because you’ll have people who ‘get it’ that you can bounce ideas off. You could search for something local or join an online group or membership. I met my own group of ‘business besties’ on a facebook page through being fans of the same business podcast. We’ve been supporting each other for over 4 years through Slack, Zoom catch ups and occasional real-life meetings.


Another idea is to arrange co-working sessions with friends who either work for themselves or are working from home. Arrange to meet at a coffee shop and have a catch up and then get stuck into work. I try to do this every other week with a friend of mine and even though we do completely different jobs, there’s something nice about quietly typing away with someone nearby that you can occasionally break to chat with. For me it gives me that ‘office environment’ that I sometimes miss, and weirdly I find that I’m my most productive in a bustling coffee shop!

3. Processes

Processes don’t get featured in too many company wellbeing initiatives, but they should. Poor or clunky systems, policies and processes cause stress to employees, because they cause friction in day-to-day work life.


The same applies to people who work for themselves. Can you pinpoint exactly where certain important documents are? Do you have templates for emails you have to send out regularly? Have you got a folder with all of your brand assets neatly labelled and ready to send at the drop of a hat?


Taking the time to review your processes and have an admin audit could make a significant impact on the rest of your week, month and year. By getting organised you’re reducing the friction and frustration that comes with not being able to find things easily. Putting systems and processes in place for tasks that you repeat will save you time in the long run. You may need to set yourself a monthly reminder to review your processes and don’t forget to clear your downloads folder or organise your receipts at the same time. 

4. Recognition

If you’ve ever had a great boss then you’ll know how it feels to be recognised for all of your hard work. A simple “thank you” can go such a long way at the end of a tough week. Many companies build recognition into their wellbeing plan, sometimes using a newsletter or notice board to highlight staff achievements. But when there’s no one else giving you a pat on the back, how can you do it yourself?


Think about what good recognition would look like for you. Do you appreciate a nice reward? Then make sure to book yourself in for a pedicure or take yourself out for lunch once you’ve completed that project. Does praise make you feel on top of the world? Create a ‘brag folder’ to save any client testimonials or kind words from customers. The brag folder also has multiple benefits – you can turn to it whenever you need to hear some positive words, but you can also share the snippets across your social media channels to help build your credibility and reputation. 


However you decide to recognise yourself, it’s important to commit to it. Working alone can feel thankless, so you may need to pop a reminder in your diary to note your achievements at the end of each month and figure out a way to celebrate them.

Creating a wellbeing policy for yourself

The four drivers of workplace wellbeing make a great foundation for a wellbeing policy that you can create for yourself. It may consist of a few regular reminders in your diary, or you could get creative and design a poster with your wellbeing commitments and have it hung somewhere near your desk.


As you can see, wellbeing for business owners doesn’t have to be about taking a bubble bath or booking into a yoga class. It’s about finding out what will drive and power your own wellbeing and that could be different from person to person. Wellbeing is about more than self care, it could be about reducing loneliness, protecting your self worth, or feeling a sense of value and purpose.


Business owners wear many hats for the different roles in their business… make sure ‘wellbeing champion’ is one of them!


Sophie Coulthard is the co-founder of FidlLeaf, a workplace wellbeing company and personal development platform that powers wellbeing both inside and outside of work using Nobel-Prize nominated science. FidlLeaf has been featured in Forbes and works with corporate companies, tech, government and fashion brands.

What I Learned From: Becoming Addicted To Work and Toxic Productivity During The Pandemic https://www.thedreammagazine.co.uk/opinion/i-became-addicted-to-work-and-toxic-productivity-during-the-pandemic/ Fri, 15 Apr 2022 11:22:18 +0000 https://alignmagazine.co.uk/?p=501 Continue reading What I Learned From: Becoming Addicted To Work and Toxic Productivity During The Pandemic]]>

The word ‘success’ historically made me feel a bit uneasy. When I used to hear or say the word out loud I’d have this visual connotation of material objects that would flash to my mind: a really expensive watch, someone holding a briefcase, a slick suit and really swanky office buildings. Essentially, anything related to corporate ‘work’. Interestingly, when you type ‘success’ into google the two below descriptions appear:


  1. “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.”
  2. “the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status.”


Even more interesting, when you take a peep and browse google images the majority of the image feature clip arts made up of white men carrying brief cases, some even running up stairs that seem to depict some kind of ‘heaven’ (some may argue an escape route from corporate world but I’m not an art critic so I’ll leave that for another day)

For a long time I believed that the clip arts were a visual manifestation of future of success, I genuinely believed that to be a respected and accomplished person I needed to work my fucking arse off day and night. I’m a bit embarrassed to say this now but I aspired to have material objects that would one day act as my museum of achievements. I often had thoughts that went a bit like this: ‘I’ll be successful when… I own the massive house in London, when… my business is turning over 7 figures, when… I can buy a holiday home in the bahamas and drink pina coladas for breakfast”. 


That all changed when I started finding clumps of my own hair in the shower and started having stress related heart palpitations. Like many of us the pandemic blurred my lines between 9-5 and I found myself working 8am-10pm sometimes later and without coming up for air because, really, there was nothing else to do. I became addicted to the adrenaline of working on multiple projects, I subconsciously attached my own worth and validation to being ‘needed’ aka ‘booked and busy’. I became so dissociated from my own self that I allowed myself to become really, really sick.


It was until a Doctor told me I needed to slow down that I realized the damage I had done. I walked home from the hospital feeling numb, disappointed and so confused. How had this happened? (I knew, but I couldn’t quite face that I’d done it to myself) I spent the rest of the day feeling so angry at myself. I realised that for the last 6 months I had been an anxious, emotional, easily triggered, irritated, tired and lifeless little soul. I had poured all my energy in to my work and appearing ‘together’ for my clients that there was no more juice left in the tank and my poor body had taken a battering.

So I decided to step back, I cut my work load down by a significant amount, and paused or cancelled upcoming projects that I couldn’t fulfill in the state I was in. I spent the month of August working enough to cover my bills and cost of living and spent the rest of the time doing the things that bring me back to me. I had genuinely become so disillusioned by the destination of a clip art ladder that I forgot to even take a moment to enjoy the process, let alone evaluate what wasn’t working.

The trouble with burn out (and I do believe burn out to be a problematic concept in our modern society) is that it’s become a bit of a buzzword. A badge of honour some might say. Nowadays it’s really not uncommon to hear people say ‘I’m feeling burned out’ and not feel alarmed because it’s become such a common theme throughout our work life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad we’re being more open and honest about our physical and mental health but we shouldn’t be normalising exhaustion and poor health in the name of ‘success’. 

The problem is, we live in a hamster wheel of announcement culture where we’re constantly inundated by updates from others sharing their accomplishments, promotions, pay rises, new houses, new partners, screen shots of long haul flights with a countdown timer, and everything else that accelerates the speed in which we get to the top of that imaginary clip art ladder. So we keep pushing, and pushing until we reach clip art ‘success’.

I’ll be honest I’ve had to work through some deep conditioning, I still have those pangs of guilt and thoughts, ‘I need to be doing more’. It’s taken me a long time to understand that rest is productive and my friends, family, partner and business get the best of me when I’m well rested.

Success for me is happiness. It’s starting work at 11am because I went to my favourite gym class, it’s clocking off at 6pm to play netball with my mates, it’s meeting friends for lunch on a Wednesday afternoon because why not? It’s impromptu Fridays off, It’s spending my weekends with the people I love rather than chained to my desk, it’s creativity for fun and not monetisation, it’s taking time for myself without feeling like a lazy slob. We get so brainwashed in to believing that we’ve ‘made it’ when we’ve got the objects to show it, the accolades to announce and yes, those things are still great to aspire to. I’m not saying we need to bin our shoes and head for the hills and start living off of organic tomatoes and sleeping in hammocks. What I am saying is that we need to make space for those things and work towards them at a rate that works for us and not against us. 

We need to evaluate if those things are even important to us in the first place, or if we aspire to them because we’re told we should. My advice to anyone working towards any dream is this: nothing is worth sacrificing your mental or physical health for, time is the most valuable commodity. 

Connect with Daisy https://www.theselfhood.com/

Dopamine Dressing – How to Dress for Happiness https://www.thedreammagazine.co.uk/inspiration/dopamine-dressing-how-to-dress-for-happiness/ Mon, 11 Apr 2022 15:54:44 +0000 https://alignmagazine.co.uk/?p=408 Continue reading Dopamine Dressing – How to Dress for Happiness]]>

Can one piece of clothing change your whole mood? Mary Mandefield explores the dopamine dressing trend - dressing to boost your happiness.

I’ve never been that interested in fashion. As a kid I would wear baggy jeans and oversized shirts. My priority was getting messy and as long as I was comfortable enough to climb a tree, I was happy. 


As I reached adulthood and entered more corporate settings, H&M, Topshop and M&S seemed to be the go-to high street shops to create a more image conscious wardrobe. I reluctantly wore blouses and straight leg trousers. Trainers were swapped with smart shoes and rucksacks were replaced with over the shoulder bags. As my jobbs changed from office led marketing roles to working on more creative projects, I found my taste in clothes did too. Becoming more aware of the effects of fast fashion, I jumped into the world of styling myself with just second hand gems. 


I trailed charity shops for the brightest jumpsuits, I’d scroll on eBay for hours to scour out pre-loved designer coats and shoes and I’d find myself checking depop more than instagram. I was hooked. 

I saw a quote that said ‘my life is a simulation, I’m just in charge of the outfits’, and do you know what, I get it. I’m now a presenter and speaker, and the industry can be really tough and unpredictable. It’s hard to feel like you have a grasp on what you’ll be working on next, but one of the things I take pleasure in is the fact that 99% of the time, I get to choose what I’m wearing. I am in control of how I can express myself that way – I know that my choices are sustainable and can lift my mood. My love for bright colours and OTT textures means I usually leave the house looking like a kids entertainer, and I’m never mad about it. 


Here’s some of the pieces which I know I can throw on an instantly feel the most ‘me’


THE purple jacket. A drunk Glastonbury purchase which was created for an attention seeker like me. It kept me warm for the rest of the festival and it meant £80 went to Oxfam for the great work they do. They know me so well on site because I shop at all their festival stores. Have you ever worn a jacket that has almost transformed you into a more vibrant character? If not, come over to mine and borrow the coat for the day.



Platforms. To walk a little taller and to make sure you can see the stage at a gig. No, but in all seriousness, platforms are the ultimate confidence booster for me. 


An initial on your jumper so no one forgets your name. Wearing something with your name or initial on is a great conversation starter. In my industry you’re a small fish in a big pond and you want everyone to remember your name. I also love that this jumper reminds me of the type Molly Weasley would knit for the family in the Harry Potter films. Magical!


Always looking for inspiration for the next items I want to find, I chatted to some of my favourite creative thinkers, makers and doers. I asked ‘what piece of clothing changes your whole mood’.


Meet Jazmin, she loves to look sexy but with an edge. She shares that ‘I feel most myself when I mix contrasting prints, textures and cuts – it mirrors different sides to my personality. Silk slips with chunky leather accessories means I can play around with both feminine and masculine energies.’

For Kasia, it’s all about lifting her mood with bright colours – her ever changing hair colour reflects that too. She says ‘These jeans are 100% me. I hand painted them with all my favourite colours, and I purchased them second hand, so they’re sustainable too!’ Kind to the planet and one of a kind. 

Musician Kenan shared a look which represents their vulnerability being their power. Spending a lot of time on stage means making an impression before the audience has even heard you sing. ‘My ‘No Tears Just Pearls’ look is about looking delicate & poised but also striking & captivating. In this outfit it reminds me that I’m here & whoever will witness me will have no option but to accept me for me!’

photo by Filip Skiba - @contemporary_form

‘Confidence comes from within but the right outfit can make it come out!’ After knowing Ge to rock everything from band tees and skinny jeans to dressy dresses, seeing her in a suit made me stop my scrolling. We’ve been friends since we were teens and there was something I really love about this gorgeous green suit. She shares ‘I was once told that “you have to wear the suit – the suit can’t wear you”. And when I put this outfit on I feel like a boss woman.’

Mary Mandefield is a presenter, writer and content creator. Connect with her @mary.mandefield

Trying To Get My Shit Together In My Twenties https://www.thedreammagazine.co.uk/opinion/trying-to-get-my-shit-together-in-my-twenties/ Mon, 11 Apr 2022 15:23:03 +0000 https://alignmagazine.co.uk/?p=397 Continue reading Trying To Get My Shit Together In My Twenties]]>

Words by Alana Harris.

To put it bluntly, navigating your twenties can be really fucking confusing. Between finding your footing with new amounts of freedom and independence, comparing your journey to those around you and just trying to figure out what the hell you want to do with your life, things can get overwhelming pretty fast.


I can confidently say that this twenty-something turbulence is very much present in my life and is a feeling that first started to rear its head as my university experience was coming to an end. 

After three years of solid structure in the form of lectures, assignments and exams, the path ahead of me was suddenly empty of anything concrete. It was the first time in my life where I felt fully alone in deciding what was next, and where for some this might have filled them with excitement, for me, I became filled with anxiety and dread, feelings that were fueled by a hidden desire to always have everything figured out. 


At the end of my university experience, it started to become clear to me that all of the academic systems and structures that had acted as an odd version of a safety blanket for so many years, were about to be violently yanked away. 


My unease over the next chapter of my life turned into determination to figure out my next steps in the hopes that it would get rid of the chest tightening ‘what the fuck am I going to do now’ anxiety I was experiencing.


Alongside these what the fuck feelings of anxiety, were feelings of not being ready for the world of work. I couldn’t help but feel that despite the fact that I’d just spent three years learning and honing my skills in a singular subject, I was still completely unequipped and unqualified for a professional job role. 


My imposter syndrome, desire to figure things out and aspiration for ‘success’ intermingled. I steered myself into thinking that I absolutely had to get some professional experience under my belt so that I could make my CV more impressive and hopefully ease my feelings of unreadiness for the world of work.


I thrust myself into applying for summer internships, work experience opportunities and entry level job roles, all whilst completing my final year assignments. Amongst many rejections and ignored applications, I was lucky enough to successfully bag a remote internship for the summer.

It may not come as a surprise however that this turned out not to be the best move, seeing as it was fully motivated by feelings of fear, inadequacy and pressure to be ‘successful’.


I spent the summer completing a three month internship that I just wasn’t happy within, because in applying, I was only listening to the things I thought I had to do, rather than what I truly wanted to. 


The internship became one of the first and biggest lessons of my early twenties, because it forced me to start thinking about what I truly wanted from the years ahead of me, and made it clear I needed to start making decisions that were much more true to myself. 

Armed with this new life lesson, post-internship, I made the decision to fully move out from home and live in Brighton, but I also decided I was going to step away from the desperate search that was figuring out what career path to embark on.  


Instead, I got a full-time job in a cafe and focussed on taking away the pressure I had previously put on myself to have every move for the next five years figured out. 


Of course, this did not rid me of other newfound stresses like paying rent, bills and council tax, but it did act as a sigh of relief and alleviated some pressure for a hot minute.


I momentarily managed to feel genuine success in my choice to step away from the search for career-related conclusions, and instead give myself some time to just breathe.

Unfortunately this breathing time eventually became interrupted by me comparing my path to those around me. 


Despite the fact I was living away from home, financially supporting myself and finding a balance between work and life, I started to feel inadequate in comparison to those around me. At every new job announcement post on Insta, or every pub discussion about a friend getting a pay rise, I’d have to forcibly remind myself not to compare, and to stay in my own lane, focused on my own path.


It actually still baffles me that I knew concretely at that time that I did not want to be in a career related job role, yet somehow was still left feeling inferior in comparison to people around me who were, even if they weren’t fully happy with their job themselves. Comparison culture was well and truly taking a hold of my twenties and I just couldn’t seem to stop it in its tracks. 


Cutting out the comparison is still something I’m working on and I’m trying to do so by transitioning the comparison into recognition. Instead of seeing other people’s paths as a threat, I’m trying to just see them as different.


In recognising the diversity of the journeys of the people around me, I’m genuinely starting to feel at ease with the fact that we’re all going to journey through life differently, in a way that’s unique, and fitted us as individuals. 


I’m continually reminding myself that feeling lost, despite being scary and unfamiliar, is more than okay. There’s not an unspoken race going on between people, and that means that not having figured things out doesn’t mean you’re falling behind or failing.


I’ve started to find success in not giving in to feelings of fear, and instead getting on with life regardless. Every time I do things like getting the weekly food shop done, paying my electricity bill and completing a clothes wash, I recognise these as triumphs because it’s so important to praise yourself for even the everyday accomplishments. 


I’m using my twenties to explore who I am and what I want to get out of life, but I’m in no real rush to find the answers. I want to be honest with myself every step of the way, and that means taking it slow, and knowing that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. 

Moving to Bali: 3 founders share what it’s really like https://www.thedreammagazine.co.uk/inspiration/moving-to-bali/ Wed, 06 Apr 2022 21:10:06 +0000 https://alignmagazine.co.uk/?p=319 Continue reading Moving to Bali: 3 founders share what it’s really like]]>

Have a couple sips of beer with a fellow freelancer and I bet you they’ll mention they’re looking to move abroad and work remotely. More often than not, to Bali. How do I know this? I am one such cliche.

To be fair, I have actually been there on a holiday about 5 years ago, and instantly fell in love with the place. I’ve always dreamed about going back, but the time difference, expensive flights and ummm, Covid always put me off.

It’s got a reputation for being ‘the dream’ place to remote work from. If you follow anyone that lives there on the gram, you’ll be able to see why. From glistening bowls of dragon-fruit smoothie, to tropical beaches, all-year-round tans and chilled out boho co-working cafes, it looks like the dream. Not to mention once you are there, prices are astonishingly cheap for food, drinks and some accommodation.

We spoke to three entrepreneurs who’ve made the move to Bali, to find out if the promised land of sea, sun and downward dogs is all it’s cracked up to

Sophie Biggerstaff, 30, Founder BYRCOLLECTIVE, www.byrcollective.com

I first came to Bali back in 2017. I started to notice lots of people working from laptops in cafes and this was when I first become aware of the “digital nomad” culture, at the time I was still working in my corporate job as a Buyer for luxury fashion brands, so never thought it would be possible to travel and work, but I made it my mission to try and work out how I could do that. Fast forward a few years later, I quit the corporate world and started my own retail consultancy business supporting start ups, I made sure the business was set up to be non-location dependent so that as soon as we were out of lockdown and travel restrictions were removed I could move around and work & Bali was my obvious choice for a first destination to live and work on my business from. I finally made the move in November 2021, Bali still wasn’t open to tourists yet, so I had to come over on a B211A visa, which allows me to be in the country for 6 months at a time. I had to quarantine for 7 days as travel was still more or less shut down in Indonesia, but when I finally made it to Bali it was a pinch me dream come true moment, and the 7 days of hotel quarantine were totally worth it for a more balanced, outdoor lifestyle.

Logistically the move was made harder due to COVID travel restrictions, visas aren’t cheap, neither was the quarantine & all the PCR tests I had to do to get in, so there were some hurdles I had to overcome, but other than that it was pretty straightforward. To apply for the B211A visa I used an agent called Bali Visas – there are a lot of scam agents out there, so my tip would be to make sure you are booking your visa with a credible agent, with this visa you are sponsored by a company to come in to the country for business purposes, you can stay for up to 6 months, renewing your visa monthly. 

To begin my trip I booked a co-living & working space called Dojo in the “digital nomad hub” of Canggu for my first month. They sorted me out with a local sim card, scooter and I automatically met some new friends who had done the exact same thing as me when I arrived. My advice would be if you are travelling solo and want to make friends quickly book into a coliving or guesthouse to start your trip as these are the places you are most likely to meet people. After that you could start to look for villas or apartments to settle in for longer, but beware of what you are booking – accomodation here almost NEVER looks like how it does in the pictures so make sure you check the place out in person before booking in something long term. Accommodation pricing ranges quite widely here, but to stay somewhere basic you could expect to spend approx £300 per month, if you want something super fancy expect to spend around £700 per month.

Gyms here will be a shock to your system in terms of cost, it’s more expensive even than London, with the average membership starting at around £120 month. Eating out however is super cheap, and you are likely going to be eating out every day, local food will cost around £2.50 per meal, western food ranges from around £4-£10 per meal. In terms of actual working there are lots of coworking spaces or cafes to choose from – my favourites are Dojo & Tribal. 

To get around I would strongly suggest learning how to ride a scooter, it is very difficult to get around in Bali without one, there is a ride app called Gojek and Grab from which you can order bike taxis, but for freedom it is 100x easier to jump on your own scooter and be able to go wherever you want. 

One last tip – make sure you are careful with your laptops going from heat to aircon, the humidity can cause some serious damage and the last thing you want whilst you are here working is for your laptop to break.

Gabby Francis, Devotional Healing and Leadership Coach, www.gabriellefrancis.co.uk

Initially I first came to visit Bali in 2016 – I had such an amazing time and it really opened my eyes to how people could make a more nomadic lifestyle work. At the time I was still living and working a 9-5 in London, but I was curious as to how I might be able to create a life with more freedom. When I returned home at the start of 2017 I went through an incredibly traumatic and life-altering year that shifted my perspective and transformed the lens in which I viewed the world. I decided I had nothing to lose after that. I had began my training as a transformational coach half way through 2017 and just decided to take the risk and leave all I had behind to see what kind of life I could create for myself. Originally I said I would move out to Bali to focus on my healing whilst I set up my Coaching business for 6 months – I never looked back, and things evolved in ways I couldn’t have even imagined. The magic of Mama Bali has a funny way of doing that.


It was actually pretty straightforward. I sorted a social visa for myself and my sister decided she wanted to move out here too, so we did it together. It was reassuring to have her by side through it all. I took 1 suitcase with me and we went for it. We initially found a place on air Bnb and then sussed some spaces out to live when we got here as the Facebook community groups are way more helpful to find longer term stays. I didn’t move out with a lot of money to support me – I just had full trust I would find a way to support myself if I was supposed to be here for a longer period of time. 


I’ve been here for 4 and a bit years now. Living in Bali is an initiation. This island is incredibly powerful, sacred and spiritual – not something to take for granted, or lightly. There have been many ups and downs throughout the journey. This island holds a lot of lightness and also has capacity for the darkness too. It’s what you make out of it. I have met my soul family here,


so I’ve always felt connected to like-minded community which has been total medicine. I feel that Bali is one of the only places on earth that literally has EVERYTHING on your doorstep. In one moment you can be in a deep shamanic breathwork ceremony, healing all your past trauma, and 5 mins down the road you can be in a bouji restaurant and bar living like a Queen! There have been many times I’ve thought I’ve been complete with my chapter but she (Mama Bali) has kept me here for a reason. It’s been life-changing and has brought me home to myself. The land, the energy and the people are so special – I’ve learnt it’s important to honour the sacredness whilst you are here because you will be supported even more so. Right now I am craving a break from this island and her beautiful intensity. My friend shared an analogy with me the other day – if you eat lobster every day you stop appreciating the quality and get complacent with the gratitude you initially felt. I feel it’s the same with Bali – to appreciate the magic here, for me personally, I’m needing a little break. I’m sure I will return when I am supposed to. Bali has a piece of my heart and will always feel like home.


Stephanie Connelly, 31, founder of Rewrite, a content and strategy agency, https://www.rewritestrategy.com/

I originally moved to Bali in 2018, at the time I was 27, had come out of a long term relationship and was growing a business in Dubai that just didn’t fill me up. Before deciding on Bali I was actually sat in a hotel room in Vietnam, heartbroken, and just said out loud…’I’m going to Bali on June 5th.’ 



I had no idea why, but that date just felt so right — I stumbled upon an internship for a large travel page in Canggu and applied pitching my heartbreak story and the whole ‘eat, pray, love’ cliche — and bam…I decided on 2.5 months, and ended up staying 2.5 years. I left during the pandemic for 1.5 years and I have now been back here for 1 month, with my business and just bought land. 




Logistically I went over solo, I had a couple of suitcases and no expectations, however, now this time round I have come over with my own business and work really well over here. 


Depending on your business will depend on the move you are planning to make. If you are planning on working with the local community, you will need to look into setting up your own business here to ensure you stay above board, however if you plan to work online with your clients back in your home country, then all I can say is…embrace the time difference and create a routine and lifestyle that truly lights you up. 


I personally believe that everyone should spend at least one month here, do the work, network, grow your community and leave a stronger and better business minded individual. 




Bali is everything to me, its grounding, exciting and contains a whole load of growth. I have learnt more about myself here than I have in the past 31 years. I have just bought land and plan to build here in Uluwatu and am now planning on moving my business out of the UK & looking at whether to set up officially here or move it to another country. My clients are predominantly UK based, and they are all supportive of this move due to my ethos around living and breathing a life of creative freedom, but figuratively and literally. 
